When to do home inspection on new construction?

Ideally, a newly built house should be inspected twice. First, while it is under construction, just before the drywall is hung.

When to do home inspection on new construction?

Ideally, a newly built house should be inspected twice. First, while it is under construction, just before the drywall is hung. This allows the inspector to examine the structure and electrical wiring that could be hidden later. It is also much easier to correct many problems before laying the drywall.

But what about a new house? Newly built properties also need inspections. Don't rely on new builders' warranties or warranties. Builders have been under extreme pressure due to lack of supply and lack of manpower. They are contracting with more flexible standards and trying to stretch materials that have been short in the supply chain.

It's common for a builder to tell you that homes pass inspections, but county inspections use completely different criteria than home inspectors. Unfortunately, most county inspectors tend to work too much, are poorly trained and underpaid. In addition, they are only there to confirm that the builder complies with the minimum building codes and nothing more. Do you want to risk your future and take on a financial burden, relying on a public inspection? In fact, we believe that the money that is spent on conducting a full home inspection on a new construction is money that is very well spent, since new construction is the only time when it is appropriate to simply hand over the inspection list and say Fix it all and, in our experience, it is the rare builder who push back.

The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) has developed a Standard of Practice for Performing Residential Pre-Drywall Inspections, and this is the standard we follow at Structure Tech. Are there better times to do new construction inspections? Yes. There are several critical points in the construction of a new house. Many new home buyers feel confident enough in local building inspectors to forego a new construction inspection.

A home inspection is a third-party assessment of a home's structure, systems, and other key features. A home inspector will also provide photos of problems that need to be corrected so that this information can be passed on to the builder. However, accredited builders must allow a licensed home inspector to conduct an inspection for “information purposes” only. Most buyers do not have detailed knowledge of construction, so getting a house inspection provides an additional level of protection.

A good home inspection will ensure that all items are properly checked and repaired before the builder delivers the last delivery to you. Home inspectors generally look for important, maintenance, and minor items that could be related to safety, insurance, or simply to protect your investment. The certificate of occupancy verifies that all the work of the trades was inspected and complied with the necessary local guidelines. If it's not part of the sales agreement in your case, you should probably add it and a contingency to protect it in case the inspector encounters problems.

With a new construction sale, your contract will include a final tour, but may or may not include an inspection. Inspecting the work of others is always a good idea, especially when you have hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake and a long-term investment. While the cost of obtaining a home inspection is not that great compared to the cost of new construction, it can be difficult to find additional funding. While you can avoid a home inspection for a new construction if you want, it's not necessarily a good idea.

Consider conducting a new home inspection, whether it's a house built with sticks, a modular home, or even a shipping container house. .